Have you ever dreamed of giving on line help about your menus in status bar as user moves mouse over menus. This feature is available by default in applications developed in VC++ with MFC.
Here is a simple solution to all your menu help problems. This amazing Active Menu Help Control for VB 6.00 do all this with ease. This control needs VB 6.00 runtime files.
Steps to use control are simple.
1. Register the control using VB's Borwse Button on Components dialog. You will see "Sudhir Rokade's Active Menu Help Control" entry in registered controls list. Just check it to use it in your projects.
2. Just put this control on a form / MDI form having menus.
3. Right click the control and click the "Properties". This will open property page to set help strings for each menu.
4. Click the menu name in the list you want to have help string and type the Help String in text box.
5. When finished click apply button of the property page.
6. Write code in "MenuSelected" event of Menu Help Control to assign help string returned by control to status bar panel.
Private Sub MenuHelp1_MenuSelected(menuString As String)
sbStatusBar.Panels(1).Text = menuString
End Sub
That is all to do. Now run the application and move the mouse over menus and see the changing online help string in status bar.
Active Menu help control does not display help for top level menus. So do not assign any help string to top level menus like File, Edit etc. Also do not assign Helps to menu separators it is not common practice.
This is really freeware and you can use it in your projects or distribute it without any prior permission. But do it at your own risk, because it is not tested properly.
I would like to support but due to lack of time I will not be in position to help you in time.
But do report bugs I will try to fix them and post new version some time in future.
Please feel free to report any bugs. : sudhir_rokade@vsnl.com